Friday, April 12, 2013


time files and i cannot believe it has been four months ever since i blogged! decided to give this space a little revamp after all the new interfaces from blogger set in. on a side note, i guess i can spare some time doing such stuff since the last CA of my entire uni life ended two days ago! bad paper to end but i am just glad it was over! :D

although it has only been april, i felt as if i have been through most of the year already. so many things had happened just in this short 4 month period. some were expected while others just thrown me off the fence and left me in shock. of course, i have also learnt alot through this experiences and hopefully i have grown to become someone that can withstand blows after blows in preparation for the future. i just everything will turn out fine and i will not uncover the ugly sides of people anymore. 

for now, it is the final lap to final exams before i can finally fly off to europe! cannot wait!